South Sudan News

South Sudan launches R21 malaria vaccine rollout to protect children

Juba - In a historic move to combat the devastating impact of malaria, the Ministry of Health, in partnership with UNICEF, World Health Organization and Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, today launched the nationwide rollout of the R21 malaria vaccine. This landmark event marks a significant stride in the country's efforts to safeguard the health and well-being of its children.

South Sudan's fight against COVID-19 and efforts to safeguard the community from vac...

On 5 May 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the end of the COVID-19 global health emergency, but efforts to fight the virus continue worldwide.

In South Sudan, the Ministry of Health set an ambitious goal to vaccinate over 80% of the population aged 18 and above by the end of 2024. To achieve this, the Ministry of Health included COVID-19 vaccination as part of regular healthcare services. This strategic move ensured that COVID-19 vaccines were readily accessible across various centers, increasing the chances of reaching a broad population.

WHO transforming lives through health: Experiences from Eastern Equatorial State of ...

In the remote district of Kapoeta East County, Eastern Equatoria State, life is a daily struggle for its 376 224 residents. This county, which borders Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda, faces severe health challenges due to harsh climatic conditions and food insecurity, including drought and seasonal flooding that hinder transportation and access to essential services.

South Sudan’s Central Equatoria State strengthens disasters and emergency preparedne...

In a world where emergencies and disasters can strike at any moment and anywhere, the importance of proactive preparation cannot be overstated. Central Equatoria State in South Sudan is pioneering a groundbreaking initiative to bolster its resilience against potential hazards, through the development of hazard-specific contingency plans at the county level, the State is taking proactive steps to mitigate the impact of emergencies and disasters on public health and safety.