South Sudan News

South Sudan: Ministry of Health and WHO undertake resource mapping for the implement...

30 November 2021, Juba - To determine the pending priority activities, funding gaps and potential funding sources for the implementation of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) 2020-2024, South Sudan’s Ministry of Health with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners have embarked on mapping of existing and potential resources in an effort to strengthen health security.

The implementation of the NAPHS will help the country to attain the core capacity requirements under the International Health Regulation (IHR, 2005).

Ministry of Health in Collaboration with WHO convenes the Health Sector Performance ...

Juba, 25 November 2021 – The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), has commenced a multi-stakeholder Health Sector Performance Review, to identify issues that need to be addressed to improve performance in the health sector of South Sudan. The review is based on the progress of implementation of the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) 2017 – 2022, of the current National Health Policy (2016 to 2026).

South Sudan: Ministry of Health with support from WHO strengthens Ebola Virus Diseas...

To strengthen the capacities to detect, investigate and respond to suspected Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), WHO supported the Ministry of Health to deploy a multidisciplinary team of epidemiologists, clinicians and infection prevention and control (IPC) officers, and risk communication experts to Morobo and Yei River counties of Central Equatoria State to strengthen coordination, surveillance, IPC, and risk communication activities for prevention, detection, investigation and response to a threat of cross-border spread of the EVD outbreak.

WHO Joint Operational Review conducted for effective response to emergencies in Sout...

To improve response to emergencies, the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and partners convened a Joint Operational Review (JOR) to evaluate South Sudan’s response to health emergencies and other humanitarian crises. The JoR aimed at identifying and documenting the best practices, gaps, challenges and lessons learned during the response to the humanitarian emergencies so that efforts and resources of WHO and partners are prioritized to deliver results and are aligned with up-to-date, evidence-based plans.

Improving public health surveillance and response in South Sudan

Juba, 18 September 2021 – Timely information and appropriate response are vital for preventing and effective control of public health events, outbreaks, and pandemics. As a core requirement of the international health regulations (IHR (2005), countries continue to invest in building and maintaining robust surveillance systems to enable timely detection and public health response for enhanced national and international public health security.

South Sudan receives its first consignment of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines th...

Juba, 14 September 2021 –South Sudan received its first consignment of 152,950 doses of the Johnson & Johnson ‘Janssen’ COVID-19 vaccines today. These single dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines are the third batch of vaccine shipments to South Sudan through the COVAX Facility.  

The first batch of AstraZeneca vaccines were shipped through the COVAX facility to South Sudan on 25 March 2021 and the second batch of 59,520 AstraZeneca vaccines donated by France arrived on 31 August 2021 and a donation from Sweden is slated for arrival soon.