South Sudan News

WHO in partnership with the Ministry of Health scaling up antiretroviral treatment (...

09 February 2017, Juba, South Sudan – WHO in partnership with Ministry of Health are strengthening capacity to provide comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatment services to populations of humanitarian concern in the Greater Upper Nile region, that is heavily affected by the current crisis. Health workers including medical doctors/ clinical officers, nurses, counselors, pharmacist and data clerk are equipped with the necessary skills and supplies on HIV treatment and prevention. 

Amidst insecurity, WHO in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and partners int...

14 February 2017, Juba, South Sudan - Despite the ongoing complex humanitarian crises in South Sudan, the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the Ministry of Health and partners are responding to the latest cholera outbreak in the former Jonglei and Lakes States. The outbreak of cholera was first detected in June 2016 and since then 5 006 cholera cases and 99 deaths (CFR 1.98%) have been reported from 12 Counties in nine states countrywide.

WHO secures oral cholera vaccines to slow down the spread of cholera in hard to reac...

23 February 2017, Juba, South Sudan – In an effort to rapidly contain the resurgence of cholera in South Sudan, WHO has secured oral cholera vaccine to vaccinate the communities in Leer Town and other areas. The 20 February integrated food security phase classification (IPC) identified Leer and Mayendit. With Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rates that exceed 30% in the two locations. Co-morbidity with cholera will result in rapid spread and high fatality rates.   

Japan and WHO donate essential equipment to South Sudan’s National Blood Transfusion...

06 March 2017, Juba, South Sudan – The Government of Japan and the World Health Organization (WHO) delivered three all-terrain vehicles for the three regional Blood Transfusion Centres in Juba, Wau and Malakal, at the end of their USD 2 million project for boosting blood donation.  The three vehicles are a shot in the arm for the Regional Blood Transfusion Centres to collect more contributions through mobile blood donation drives.

WHO joins partners at South Sudan’s National Health Summit to build a resilient heal...

Juba, 27 March 2017— The third National Health Summit for South Sudan opened today with some 500 participants coming together to consider the challenges and opportunities of delivering health in South Sudan, and to establish a clear vision for health in the years ahead. 

Organized by the Republic of South Sudan’s Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO) is a key organizing partner. The five day event’s theme is “Harnessing Strong Partnerships for a Resilient Health System towards attainment of Universal Health Coverage.” 

Statement by WHO Representative at the 3rd National Health Summit of South Sudan

I must congratulate the Honorable Minister and all the partners for having the courage to convene this important Health Summit.

At the onset I must say what the Summit is and what it is not: It is not a one-off event, but rather the launching of a process to address the myriad of problems facing South Sudan's health sector today. Secondly, it is not a workshop, but a forum for honest discussions to find solutions. I therefore urge all participants to not only bring issues to the table but to proffer solutions.

Excellences, Ladies and gentlemen,