South Sudan News

WHO reaching children through accelerated outreach vaccination

Juba, South Sudan 28 April 2017 – To improve vaccination coverage and reduce the risk of vaccine preventable diseases, the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and partners accelerated  outreach vaccination to strengthen and ensure the continuation of  immunization activities across the country.

Japan and WHO to establish the first Public Health Emergency Operations Centre in Ju...

24 May 2017, Juba, South Sudan – The Government of Japan and the World Health Organization (WHO) are to establish the first Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC) in Juba.  The USD 0.45 million project that comprises PHEOC’s infrastructure and equipment comes on top of Japan’s multi-year contribution to scaling up of blood transfusion services. The objective of establishing the PHEOC is to strengthen preparedness and response capacities for public health emergencies in line with the International Health Regulations of 2005.