Children Under the Age of Five in Uganda set to benefit from the Nationwide House-to...

Ms Teopista is a mother of two little boys and a girl, all eligible for the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV). For her, the launch of the National House-to-House Polio Immunization campaign could not have come at a better time.

“When we were growing up, there weren’t many vaccines to prevent diseases and many children fell sick and died, I, therefore, can’t let the chance to give my children a healthy life through vaccination, pass me by,” she enthused.

WHO provides 3,360 testing kits to Uganda for screening the COVID-19 Omicron variant...

Kampala, December 09, 2021: - As part of the prevention and rapid identification of a new COVID-19 variant in Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) has provided the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) with a total of 3,360 test kits for the genotyping of variants of concern.

 "These PCR screening assay kits procured by WHO is a boost to the county’s existing capacity to identify the predominant Delta variant and indicate the presence of Omicron, the new COVID-19 variant of concern."- Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, Uganda's Minister of Health.

HIV/AIDS services must remain crucial during the COVID-19 outbreak

This year’s commemoration of World AIDS Day occurs in a complicated terrain where essential services have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the theme "End Inequality, End AIDS. End pandemic" this day is more than a call for a balance in health interventions to give all patients the chance to have equitable access to health services.

Driving vaccine demand in Uganda’s hard-to-reach communities

Kampala – Drones, street preachers and district and community leaders are helping reach some of Uganda’s most vulnerable groups with crucial messaging on COVID-19 and the need for vaccination.
Recent surveys show that around 20% of Uganda’s population rely on word-of-mouth as their main source of information on COVID-19. Many people who get their news this way work in the informal sector and live in informal, overcrowded settlements. They are semi-literate and are at risk of believing misinformation or being left behind as the country’s vaccine rollout ramps up.

Uganda’s community initiative helping HIV patients overcome depression

Margaret was engulfed by depression and overwhelmed by stigma. With little motivation for life as she struggled to adjust to living with HIV while pregnant, she contemplated death. "I could lock myself in the house every day. I wanted to kill my child and kill myself because I thought I was no longer useful in this life and I didn't want my child to suffer as I did," she says.