United Republic of Tanzania News

Tanzania and Rwanda WCOs conduct Global Learning Programme in Arusha, Tanzania, 21st...

Tanzania and Rwanda WCOs are participating in an Inter-country Global Learning Programme in Arusha, Tanzania with 9 participants from WCO Rwanda and 19 from WCO Tanzania.

Training runs from 21st – 25th November 2011 and it is being facilitated by Dr. Rufaro Chatora, WR Tanzania; Dr. Habib Somanje from AFRO, Dr Andre Rusanganwa from WCO Rwanda and Dr. Martins Ovberedjo from WCO Tanzania.

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Tanzania hosts the Multi-country workshop to strengthen results and accountability f...

Tanzania has been honoured to host the Multi-country workshop to strengthen results and accountability for women's and children's health and the health sector as a whole.

The workshop drew about 100 participants from ten African Countries namely Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Regional institutes and Global partners namely WHO (WHO Geneva, AFRO and Country Office), UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS, PMNCH, HMN, CDC, World Bank, USAID, NORAD, CIDA, DFID/E4A, GIZ, Africa MNCH Coalition, World Vision and others. 

The best performing districts in immunization activities awarded prizes during annua...

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) in collaboration with partners organizes every year an annual evaluation meeting with the objective of evaluating the performance, achievements and challenges of immunization services in the country. The meeting is attended by the National IVD and other related Units, Regional Health Management Teams, Civil Societies involved in immunization services and partners.

World Health Day 2012 Theme becomes sensational News for the Media

Tanzania like other WHO Member States has commemorated the World Health Day (WHD) 2012. The WHD 2012 was deferred as it coincided with Easter. Hence the Tanzania Government decided to postpone the WHD Occasion to 17th April in order to give it due prominence. The main planned activity was stakeholders’ advocacy and information dissemination. A Media advocacy session was organized on 17th April 2012 and it attracted larger than expected participation of the Media.

World Immunization Week launched on 23rd april 2012 in Tanzania with a call to ensur...

On 23rd April 2012 Tanzania joined other countries in the world in the implementation of the Immunization Week. The national launch took place in Dar Es Salaam and it was officiated by the Hon. Minister of Health, who was represented by Dr. Donald Mmbando, Ag. Chief Medical Officer in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Others present were Government Officials from national to regional and district levels, WHO, UNICEF, USAID, the Media, School Children and other Stakeholders including the Community at large.

World No Tobacco Day 2012

Tanzania commemorated this year’s World No Tobacco Day at the Julius Nyerere International Airport, in Dar es Salaam on 31st May 2012. The Guest of Honor for the occasion was Hon. Minister of Health and Social Welfare, who was represented by the Acting Assistant Director of NCD Unit at MOHSW, Dr. Ayoub Maghimbi.