Northeast Nigeria Response Borno Health Sector Bulletin # 15, 22 January 2017

Northeast Nigeria Response Borno Health Sector Bulletin # 15, 22 January 2017

The national measles vaccination campaign commenced on the 13th January targeting all children aged from 6 months to 10 years in accessible areas in Borno State has reached a total of 1,807,490 in 10 LGAs during the first 5 days of the campaign.

Dozens of people were killed after a Nigerian military plane mistakenly dropped a bomb inside the Rann IDP camp in Kale/Balge LGA. Several ICRC and MSF colleagues were reported as casualties.

In support to Borno State Ministry of Health as a preparedness plan, WHO has prepositioned 19 Inter-Agency Diarrheal Disease Kits for further delivery to the high risk LGAs in the state. One IDDK is enough
for treatment of 1,000 diarrhoea/cholera cases. The IDDKs are enough for treatment of moderate to severe 20,000 diarrhoea/cholera cases.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) supported Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) mobile teams provide assistance, like group support and counselling, to IDPs and host  communities in NE Nigeria. Since starting the project in May 2014, following the abduction of nearly 300 girls from a school in Chibok, MHPSS has supported 175,912 individuals across the region.

Borno Health Sector Bulletin #15 January 22 2017

Health system in north-eastern Nigeria, Jan 2017

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