COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 08 September 2020

WHO continues to build capacity of nurses for baby friendly hospitals in the context of COVID-19

WHO continues to build capacity of nurses for baby friendly hospitals in the context of COVID-19

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 07 September 2020

The Hon. Minister of Health and Sanitation, Dr Wurie, the WHO Representative Mr Liyosi and officials inspecting the consignment that was donated to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation

WHO donates lifesaving equipment and medical supplies to help fight COVID-19 in Sierra Leone

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 06 September 2020

The Hon. Minister of Health and Sanitation, Dr Wurie, the WHO Representative Mr Liyosi and officials inspecting the consignment that was donated to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation

WHO donates lifesaving equipment and medical supplies to help fight COVID-19 in Sierra Leone


WHO works with the Army to educate a fishing community about COVID-19 in Uganda

The Hon. Minister of Health and Sanitation, Dr Wurie, the WHO Representative Mr Liyosi and officials inspecting the consignment that was donated to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation

WHO donates lifesaving equipment and medical supplies to help fight COVID-19 in Sierra Leone

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 05 September 2020

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 04 September 2020