Tendai Westerhof, HIV Advocate

Tendai Westerhof, HIV Advocate

Raquelina Mazuze, Social Mobilizer

Raquelina Mazuze, Social Mobilizer

Macron Chauluka, Polio Vaccinator

Macron Chauluka, Polio Vaccinator

Christine Kisianan, Student

Christine Kisianan, Student

Lamine Thiare, Football Coach, Senegal

Lamine Thiare, Football Coach, Senegal

Reginald Omulo, Bean Farmer

Reginald Omulo, Bean Farmer

Malawi launches third round of mass vaccination drive to stop wild poliovirus

Malawi launches third round of mass vaccination drive to stop wild poliovirus

In Mozambique, household screening keeps families malaria-free

In Mozambique, household screening keeps families malaria-free

No tobacco

Sierra Leone becomes 38th country with tobacco control laws in WHO African Region