WHO Experts with Angolans MPs

WHO Experts Engaged with Angolan Parliamentarians in an Advocacy Session on Major Endemics

WHO Experts with Angolans MPs

WHO Experts Engaged with Angolan Parliamentarians in an Advocacy Session on Major Endemics

WHO Africa releases groundbreaking guidance to boost fight against sickle cell disease

WHO Africa releases groundbreaking guidance to boost fight against sickle cell disease

As part of the Scoping Mission, the WHO team of experts conducted extensive stakeholders consultations.

Strengthening Mauritius’ Primary Health Care approach to improve the population’s health and well-being

As part of the Scoping Mission, the WHO team of experts conducted extensive stakeholders consultations.

Strengthening Mauritius’ Primary Health Care approach to improve the population’s health and well-being

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Zimbabwe conducts a cholera intra action review

As part of the Scoping Mission, the WHO team of experts conducted extensive stakeholders consultations.

Strengthening Mauritius’ Primary Health Care approach to improve the population’s health and well-being

WHO Rep to Zimbabwe Dr Tiruneh with Dr Midzi and Ms Marowa

Twenty years of Saving Lives - Zimbabwe Celebrates World Blood Donor Day with a Call to Action

Meet Alpha Tamba, a blood donor from Liberia

Alpha Tamba, blood donor

An eligible person displaying her card after being vaccinated against HPV infection in Yobe State..png

Mitigating the risk of cervical cancer with HPV vaccine in Borno and Yobe States, Nigeria