Namibia reaches key milestone in eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV and hepatitis B  

Namibia reaches key milestone in eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV and hepatitis B  

First-Line Support for Gender-Based Violence Survivors: Success in Mekelle   

First-Line Support for Gender-Based Violence Survivors: Success in Mekelle  

Preliminary meeting before the launching of the immunization campaign against meningitis

Meningitis epidemic: WHO Niger steps up response efforts.

WHO and IrishAID hand over an ambulance to Ministry of Health

WHO and the Embassy of Ireland donate an Ambulance to improve health care services in Karamoja Sub region, Uganda

Umutoniwase Marie-Claire playing with her daughter Ornella

Securing a healthier future: Rwanda's vaccination efforts protect children from polio

Umutoniwase Marie-Claire playing with her daughter Ornella

Securing a healthier future: Rwanda's vaccination efforts protect children from polio

Cerimónia oficial do Dia Mundial de luta contra o Paludismo

São Tomé and Principe celebrated the World Malaria Day