Binga healthcare workers trained to detect and treat leprosy

Campanha de Vacinação Contra a Cólera

Cabo Delgado Successfully Completes the Cholera Vaccination Campaign

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 02 November 2020

Campanha de Vacinação Contra a Cólera

Cabo Delgado Successfully Completes the Cholera Vaccination Campaign

Campanha de Vacinação Contra a Cólera

Cabo Delgado Successfully Completes the Cholera Vaccination Campaign

Ms Ndilimeke Mutikisha  proving online training to surveillance officers on COVID-19

Health worker in massive awe of contact tracing Coronavirus workers

Sindiso Moyo during a training session with COVID-19 surveillance team

Contact Tracing: A Key Way to Stagnate COVID-19

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 01 November 2020

Ms Ndilimeke Mutikisha  proving online training to surveillance officers on COVID-19

Health worker in massive awe of contact tracing Coronavirus workers

Sindiso Moyo during a training session with COVID-19 surveillance team

Contact Tracing: A Key Way to Stagnate COVID-19