Cross section of participants during the training

Bridging Gaps, Building Hope: Empowering Community Health Workers in Mental Health Care

WHO expresses concern for escalating public health needs in Ethiopia

WHO expresses concern for escalating public health needs in Ethiopia

free surgical camp

Hope and Healing: Integrated Free Surgical Camp Offers Relief to Zimbabweans

he Minister of Health and Child Care, the Honorable Dr Douglas Mombeshora,  UNICEF Country Representative Dr Tajudeen Oyewale and WHO Representative to Zimbabwe Professor Jean-Marie Dangou.

WHO strengthens Cholera Treatment Access to Combat Cholera Outbreak in Zimbabwe

The Successful Completion of the Second Cohort AVoHC SURGE Training in Ethiopia

The successful completion of the second cohort AVoHC SURGE training in Ethiopia

WHO Intervenes to Control Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Outbreak in Somali Region Through Health Worker Capacity Building

WHO Intervenes to Control Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Outbreak in Somali Region Through Health Worker Capacity Building

Senegal, WHO launch regional emergency hub to bolster Africa’s response to health crises

Senegal, WHO launch regional emergency hub to bolster Africa’s response to health crises

WHO Ethiopia Trains Technical Staff on Resource Mobilization

WHO Ethiopia Trains Technical Staff on Resource Mobilization

WHO Africa welcomes Gavi’s commitment to Africa vaccine manufacture, immunization and pandemic preparedness

WHO Africa welcomes Gavi’s commitment to Africa vaccine manufacture, immunization and pandemic preparedness