300 000 people to receive free treatment for bilharzia and intestinal worms in Mount Darwin and Shamva

Ministry of Health and WHO staff teaching health workers proper donning and doffing of a Personal Protective Equipment

Arua Regional Referral Hospital Medical Team Learns Quick Valuable Lessons from COVID-19 Response

Laura Nagasha

Surviving COVID-19 and fighting stigma in Uganda

COVID-19 laboratory testing

Rwanda’s response to COVID-19 brings out the need to prepare and learn from practice

Bagama Guehara

Overcoming COVID-19 at 99 years-old in Guinea

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 23 September 2020

Social, environmental factors seen behind Africa’s low COVID-19 cases

Social, environmental factors seen behind Africa’s low COVID-19 cases

Yaffa Fatoumata

“It weighs you down,” Congo COVID-19 survivor recounts

By foot, boat and bicycle, thousands of volunteer vaccinators in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) go to extraordinary efforts, sometimes at personal risk, to help eradicate polio.

DRC: The great lengths that polio vaccinators go to reach every last child