Ayuba Gufwan’s

From neglect to inspiration: Ayuba Gufwan’s story

Malaria vaccine pilot launched in Malawi

Malaria vaccine pilot launched in Malawi

Polio vaccination in Mozambique

Polio vaccination resumes in cyclone Idai affected areas

Polio vaccination in Mozambique

Polio vaccination resumes in cyclone Idai affected areas

Polio vaccination in Mozambique

Polio vaccination resumes in cyclone Idai affected areas

Polio vaccination in Mozambique

Polio vaccination resumes in cyclone Idai affected areas

WHO Africa mourns the loss of a colleague killed in a hospital attack in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

WHO Africa mourns the loss of a colleague killed in a hospital attack in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

WHO Africa mourns the loss of a colleague killed in a hospital attack in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

WHO Africa mourns the loss of a colleague killed in a hospital attack in the Democratic Republic of the Congo