Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses, WHO Representative with Dr Leonard Kabongo, Chief Medical Officer with a team from MoHSS, WHO and Namibia Red Cross Society on a mission in Swakopmund in Erongo Region during the implementation of the HEV E interventions in 2020

End of the Hepatitis E Virus Outbreak in Namibia


Zimbabwe revives sleeping sickness case detection and management

Rallying to combat COVID-19 rumours in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Rallying to combat COVID-19 rumours in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

COVID-19 takes a heavy toll on women’s health

COVID-19 takes a heavy toll on women’s health

COVID-19 takes a heavy toll on women’s health

COVID-19 takes a heavy toll on women’s health

Obesity rising in Africa, WHO analysis finds

Obesity rising in Africa, WHO analysis finds

Meeting with Hon minister of health

Technical Support to upgrade the Microbiology (Bacteriology) Unit of the National Health Laboratory of Eritrea

Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses, WHO Representative and Mr. Alex Shimuafeni, Statistician-General and CEO of the NSA

WHO donated laptops to the Namibia Statistics Agency to produce its second Cause of Death Report

SADC Healthy Lifestyle Day Commemoration, Gaborone, 25 February 2022

The Southern African Development Community raises awareness on Non-Communicable Diseases in Botswana and the entire region

Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses, WHO Representative and Mr. Alex Shimuafeni, Statistician-General and CEO of the NSA

WHO donated laptops to the Namibia Statistics Agency to produce its second Cause of Death Report