Group Work Discussions

Ministry of Health conducts a series of consultative workshops on the review of priority health research agenda

Record weekly COVID-19 deaths in Africa

Record weekly COVID-19 deaths in Africa

Donation of IT Equipment

WHO Eritrea donated IT equipment worth 96,288 USD to MOH

Record weekly COVID-19 deaths in Africa

Record weekly COVID-19 deaths in Africa

Optimal breastfeeding has lifelong positive effects to the health of children

UNICEF and WHO welcome Sierra Leone’s Breast Milk Substitute Act 2021

A cross section of Queen mothers at the function

Queen mothers to take the lead in championing exclusive breastfeeding and maternal and child nutrition

A cross section of Queen mothers at the function

Queen mothers to take the lead in championing exclusive breastfeeding and maternal and child nutrition

On the frontlines in the fight against dangerous misinformation 

On the frontlines in the fight against dangerous misinformation 

WHO and Ministry of Health officials with display of samples of the items being handed over

WHO hands over laboratory equipment and supplies to strengthen safe blood services in Sierra Leone

On the frontlines in the fight against dangerous misinformation 

On the frontlines in the fight against dangerous misinformation