WHO awards Ethiopian Official, Ms Heran Gerba in honor of her fight for tobacco control

WHO awards Ethiopian official Ms Heran Gerba in honor of her fight for tobacco control

Donation of IPC and laboratory supplies by WHO to the Ministry of Health in Monrovia

WHO Demonstrates Commitment in supporting COVID-19 Response and Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Preparedness in Liberia

Donation of IPC and laboratory supplies by WHO to the Ministry of Health in Monrovia

WHO Demonstrates Commitment in supporting COVID-19 Response and Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Preparedness in Liberia

COVID-19 cases surge in Africa, near first wave peak

COVID-19 cases surge in Africa, near first wave peak

COVID-19 cases surge in Africa, near first wave peak

COVID-19 cases surge in Africa, near first wave peak

Giving 110%: Eswatini’s early rollout of COVID-19 vaccines 

Giving 110%: Eswatini’s early rollout of COVID-19 vaccines 

Giving 110%: Eswatini’s early rollout of COVID-19 vaccines 

Giving 110%: Eswatini’s early rollout of COVID-19 vaccines 

Blood donation rate falls in Africa in wake of COVID-19 pandemic

Blood donation rate falls in Africa in wake of COVID-19 pandemic