System-wide assessment of efficiencies across HIV, TB and MNCH Programmes in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Communication Strategy for National Health Insurance

Communication Strategy for National Health Insurance

Peer review of WCO-South Africa end of biennium monitoring and reporting

Peer review of WCO-South Africa end of biennium monitoring and reporting

South Africa conducts its first National TB Prevalence Survey 2017-2018

South Africa conducts its first National TB Prevalence Survey 2017-2018

Hon. Minister of Health, Mrs Amina Nurhussien and a section of the participant

Eritrea: 2017 World AIDS Day Commemoration

Practical training sessions going on

Training on Malaria Elimination Surveillance

WHE Emergency Manager, Dr. Collins Owili vaccinates a child against cholera during the flagoff ceremong of the OCV campaign in Borno state. Credits: WHO CE.Onuekwe

WHO helps Nigeria control cholera in Borno state

The Director of Public Health, Dr Badu Sarkordie  and  WHO Representative for Ghana, Dr Owen Kaluwa, co-chaired a coordination meeting of partners on responding to the influenza A (H1N1) in Kumasi, Ghana. Credit WHO Ghana.

WHO supports response to influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 outbreak in Ghana’s Ashanti Region

 An elated Director of Medical Services Dr Jackson Kioko (centre) and team respond to the news ' Kenya meets the GW Certification criteria' and closer to GW-free status. From left: Drs. John Ogange (WHO), Dr Peter Cherutich (MOH), Dr Joyce Onsongo (DPC, WHO) and Dr Sam Mahugu (MOH)

Kenya meets Guinea Worm Free Certification Criteria