Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Kalumbi Shangula and Executive Director of MHSS, Mr Ben Nangombe with the newly appointed National Drug Control Commissioners

Minister Shangula Inaugurates the National Drug Control Commission

third round of polio vaccination campaign

Zimbabwe conducts third round of polio vaccination campaign

Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Kalumbi Shangula and Executive Director of MHSS, Mr Ben Nangombe with the newly appointed National Drug Control Commissioners

Minister Shangula Inaugurates the National Drug Control Commission

Strengthening Zambia’s Digital Health Maturity – A way to improve health outcomes

Strengthening Zambia’s Digital Health Maturity – A way to improve health outcomes

Strengthening enforcement of new tobacco law through capacity building of police officers, April-May 2023, Mauritius

Strengthening enforcement of new tobacco law through capacity building of police officers

Validation of the National Action Plan for Health Security in April 2023 in Mauritius

Mauritius validates its National Action Plan for Health Security

Regional Teams for the RCCE training

Strengthening Namibia’s Risk Communication Systems

Dr Mary Brantuo, WHO Namibia Officer-in-Charge

Validation Workshop of the National Health Policy Framework, Namibia

Dr Mary Brantuo, WHO Namibia Officer-in-Charge

Validation Workshop of the National Health Policy Framework, Namibia

Regional Teams for the RCCE training

Strengthening Namibia’s Risk Communication Systems