New step in African region’s efforts to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B

New step in African region’s efforts to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B

New step in African region’s efforts to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B

New step in African region’s efforts to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B

Dr Oladele applies Lugol’s iodine on a smear at the microbiology laboratory in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals.

Addressing the challenges of antimicrobial resistance in Africa

Zimbabwe commits to boost domestic health financing

Pupils from Berea Government Primary school celebrating EPI@50

Lesotho Celebrates EPI @ 50, World Polio Day, and Launch of IPV2

WHO experts from Geneva visits WHO Botswana country office

Botswana Strengthens Malaria Surveillance Systems to Accelerate Elimination Efforts

Enhanced control measures helping to control mpox outbreak in Africa

Enhanced control measures helping to control mpox outbreak in Africa

Protecting at-risk populations from mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Protecting at-risk populations from mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Sensitization of community members on prevention and identification of Lassa fever cases in Benue state.

Stepping Up Response to Curb Infectious Diseases in Nigeria

Burundi : renforcement du pilier laboratoire dans la riposte à la mpox

Burundi: strengthening the laboratory pillar in the mpox response