A cross section of the research participants and officials from WHO and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation

WHO supports operational research capacity to boost prevention of antimicrobial resistance in Sierra Leone

Polio vaccination

Malawi declares polio outbreak

WHO Representative to Uganda, Dr Yonas (blue tie) and the Danish Ambasador to Uganda H.E Nicolaj Petersen (black mask) hand the cylinders over to the Minister of Health Dr Jane Ruth Aceng ©WHOUganda

Uganda receives 1,000 oxygen cylinders to boost the country’s response to COVID-19

AWUOR, Ochieng at the training

WHO Ethiopia and UNFPA Ethiopia launch training on clinical management of rape for first-line service providers

Group photograph at the commemoration of the World Cancer Day, 2022, Photo Credit_Kingsley Igwebuike_WHO

Stakeholders prioritize cancer awareness and sensitization in Borno state

Towards early cancer diagnosis in Senegal

Towards early cancer diagnosis in Senegal

Ministry of Health leadership and partners led by the Minister of Health Hon Dr Jane Ruth Achieng (yellow) observe as a community member receives her COVID-19 vaccine shot at the launch in Moroto District. ©WHOUganda

Uganda's Minister of Health urges the People of Karamoja to get vaccinated against COVID-19

Africa on track to control COVID-19 pandemic in 2022

Africa on track to control COVID-19 pandemic in 2022

Africa on track to control COVID-19 pandemic in 2022

Africa on track to control COVID-19 pandemic in 2022