OMS/A. Clements-Hunt

In equatorial Congo, WHO and its partners respond to an Ebola outbreak

WHO declares the end of the most recent Ebola virus disease outbreak in Liberia


What is early recovery?

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, WHO and partners rapidly and effectively coordinate the response to Ebola

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, WHO and partners rapidly and effectively coordinate the response to Ebola

Ebola outbreak

From the ground up: rebuilding health systems in the wake of Ebola

A GeneXpert diagnostic testing set-up in the INRB lab in Kinshasa. This diagnostic tool was adapted during the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa to rapidly test for the disease. Results are ready in one hour. Photo: WHO/A. Clements-Hunt

New technology allows for rapid diagnosis of Ebola in Democratic Republic of the Congo

DRC: Response to The Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Bas-Uele

WHO Guinea/Lancei Touré

WHO coordinating vaccination of contacts to contain Ebola flare-up in Guinea

Liberia: Mr Tamba Alpha, surveillance officer, is inspecting isolation rooms at a Voinjama checkpoint with Mr Charles Ntege, WHO county coordinator. WHO/M. Winkler

Staying at zero: Keeping Liberia Ebola free

Direction de la Communication/Manuel Vitali

Monaco et l’OMS aux côtés des pays du Sahel pour éliminer le paludisme