La nutrition au service de la lutte contre le choléra en République démocratique du Congo   

Nutrition integrated into the fight against cholera in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Zimbabwe protects over 200,000 people against cholera


Zimbabwe declares cholera outbreak over

African region faces an unprecedent surge in mpox cases

African region faces an unprecedent surge in mpox cases

The EMT arriving in Nkhotakota

Emergency Medical Team rescues Nkhotakota


Press Release: Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All

Underway Polio immunization in Makheta, Blantyre

“A Triumph of Dedication: Eradicating Polio in Malawi”

Cholera vaccination

Ethiopia Conducts Oral Cholera Vaccination Campaign Using One-Third of Global Vaccine Stockpile

The PAMI session involved all stakeholders across all pillars

Malawi Identifies 118 Traditional Areas as priority Areas for Multisectoral Interventions (PAMI) for Cholera

Stakeholders at the development of the Uganda  Child and adolescent cancer control strategy

WHO supports development of child and adolescent cancer control strategy in Uganda