In Mozambique, household screening keeps families malaria-free

In Mozambique, household screening keeps families malaria-free

No tobacco

Sierra Leone becomes 38th country with tobacco control laws in WHO African Region

No tobacco

Sierra Leone becomes 38th country with tobacco control laws in WHO African Region

Nigeria vaccinates over 45 million people against yellow fever during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Nigeria vaccinates over 45 million people against yellow fever during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Healthy life expectancy in Africa rises by almost ten years

Healthy life expectancy in Africa rises by almost ten years

Healthy life expectancy in Africa rises by almost ten years

Healthy life expectancy in Africa rises by almost ten years

Mozambique: Widespread vaccination against COVID-19

Widespread vaccination against COVID-19

Guinea: Containing marburg disease

Ending Marburg outbreak swiftly

Beating childhood cancer

Beating childhood cancer

Vaccinating newborn against hepatitis B

Vaccinating newborns against hepatitis B