During the debriefing session on TB Programmatic findings

Eritrea- Green Light Committee Monitoring Mission 2021

The Ambassador of the United States to Sierra Leone (right) and the Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation (Left) at the official handing over event of the vaccine

Sierra Leone receives 113,490 Pfizer vaccines donated by the US Government via COVAX Facility

The Ambassador of the United States to Sierra Leone (right) and the Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation (Left) at the official handing over event of the vaccine

Sierra Leone receives 113,490 Pfizer vaccines donated by the US Government via COVAX Facility

The Ambassador of the United States to Sierra Leone (right) and the Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation (Left) at the official handing over event of the vaccine

Sierra Leone receives 113,490 Pfizer vaccines donated by the US Government via COVAX Facility

COVID-19 variants prolong Africa’s pandemic wave

COVID-19 variants prolong Africa’s pandemic wave

Minister Edwin Dikoloti and his delegation visiting the COVID-19 isolation facilities at Scottish Livingstone Hospital

International critical care specialists deployed to assist the COVID-19 response in Botswana

WHO Acting Rep. handing over GeneXpert modules to Dep. Health Minister Tulay

WHO Donates Essential Supplies to Strengthen the Health System Response to COVID-19

UN Resident Coordinator, Mr Neils Scott, WHO Acting Representative and UNICEF Representative at the J&J COVID-19 vaccine donation ceremony by the World Bank

Liberia receives additional 108,000 Doses of COVID-19 J&J Vaccine through World Bank

Minister Edwin Dikoloti and his delegation visiting the COVID-19 isolation facilities at Scottish Livingstone Hospital

International critical care specialists deployed to assist the COVID-19 response in Botswana