Dr Kamwa reviewing Chumbuni CTC patient records with the CTC staff

The World Health Organization boosts health support for Zanzibar

WHO surge team holds daily morning meetings

WHO’s support to the response of the acute watery diarrhoea outbreak in Ethiopia’s Somali Region

A nutritionist does MUAC screening as part of the organisation’s contribution to mark the UN Day

5 places where WHO needs more emergencies funding to help people now

The Risk Communication Team in a discussion with a group of men in the affected community

WHO responds to new acute watery diarrhea outbreak rumour in a remote zone in Somali region of Ethiopia

The Risk Communication Team in a discussion with a group of men in the affected community

WHO responds to new acute watery diarrhea outbreak rumour in a remote zone in Somali region of Ethiopia

RD speaking on OFLA 19th Assembly meeting

Dr Moeti Attends the 19th Ordinary Assembly of the Organization of African First Ladies Against HIV/AIDS

Ebola outbreak ends

WHO declares an end to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Roadmap for Implementing the Addis Declaration on Immunization Launches at the Africa Health Forum