Chikungunya – Kenya

Press Release: African Vaccination Week (AVW) being Commemorated in Ethiopia, 18-24 MAY 2016

Press Release: African Vaccination Week (AVW) being Commemorated in Ethiopia, 18-24 MAY 2016


WHO confirms Zika virus strain imported from the Americas to Cabo Verde

Participants of AVW donating blood during the launching as one of live saving activities

Ethiopia launched the 6th African Vaccination Week

Participants of the inter-regional workshop on household water treatment and safe storage

Inter-Regional Workshop on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage

Participants in the Nimba County Advocacy and Micro-planning meeting

Liberia Successfully Introduces a Vaccine Against Cervical Cancer

Uganda organises a series of African Vaccination Week activities

Uganda organises a series of African Vaccination Week activities

Participants in the Nimba County Advocacy and Micro-planning meeting

Liberia Successfully Introduces a Vaccine Against Cervical Cancer

Health workers and members of the community commemorate AVW & Malezi Bora celebrations in West Pokot County, Kenya, recently

Kenya celebrates African Vaccination Week