Anna Mdluli

COVID-19 heroes: Older people taking responsibility for their health

Anna Mdluli

COVID-19 heroes: Older people taking responsibility for their health

Team from MOHSS and WHO conducting the quality assessment of maternal health care services

Namibia is striving to improve quality of care for maternal and child health

Team from MOHSS and WHO conducting the quality assessment of maternal health care services

Namibia is striving to improve quality of care for maternal and child health

Digital Learning Platform (DLP)  to enhance preparedness and response to health emergencies.

Namibia embrace Digital Learning Platform (DLP) to enhance preparedness and response to Public Health Events

Digital Learning Platform (DLP)  to enhance preparedness and response to health emergencies.

Namibia embrace Digital Learning Platform (DLP) to enhance preparedness and response to Public Health Events

Eritrea Observed World TB Day 2024

MOHSS Management and UNAM management for the Faculty of Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

Health managers in Namibia supports the integration of Behavioral insight in public health

MOHSS Management and UNAM management for the Faculty of Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

Health managers in Namibia supports the integration of Behavioral insight in public health