Dr Emile Rwamasirabo, Urological Surgeon discussing Operation Save the Neighbor /@WHO Robert Cyubahiro

As a doctor there are calls you just can’t ignore, Dr Emile Rwamasirabo

Sierra Leone marks two years since first COVID-19 case

Looking back on progress as Sierra Leone marks two years since first COVID-19 case

Dr Emile Rwamasirabo, Urological Surgeon discussing Operation Save the Neighbor /@WHO Robert Cyubahiro

As a doctor there are calls you just can’t ignore, Dr Emile Rwamasirabo

WHO’s SURGE team visiting the National Emergency Operation Centre at the Ministry of Defense Justice and Security, Gaborone

Enhancing Botswana`s emergency preparedness and response capacity beyond COVID-19: The SURGE Initiative

WHO Represntative, Dr. Desta Tiruneh making a statement at the Press Briefing

World Tuberculosis Day 2022 Commemorated in The Gambia

WHO Represntative, Dr. Desta Tiruneh making a statement at the Press Briefing

World Tuberculosis Day 2022 Commemorated in The Gambia

European Union funding boosts COVID-19 vaccination in Africa

European Union funding boosts COVID-19 vaccination in Africa

Some of participants of the commemoration

Eritrea Observed World TB Day 2022

What is impeding Africa’s TB fight?

What is impeding Africa’s TB fight?

Kenyan lab boosting Africa’s genome surveillance

Kenyan lab boosting Africa’s genome surveillance