The WHO Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora and the Permanent Secretary, Dr. Donan Mmbando exchanging the certificates of transfer.

WHO provides equipment for Ebola and Pandemic Influenza preparedness in Tanzania

WHO/Ali Ngethi

Cholera prevention measures reduce transmission among displaced people in South Sudan

Coordinators and participants of the TB training.

Tuberculosis Programme Managers' Capacity Strengthened through WHO Training Course

Sexual and intimate partner violence affects millions in Africa

Sexual and intimate partner violence affects millions in Africa


Uganda declared free of Marburg

Minister of Health, Dr. Riek Gai Kok and WHO Representative for South Sudan, Dr Abdi Aden Mohamed addressing a joint press conference in Juba

South Sudan Enhances Preparedness for Ebola and Marburg

Minister of Health, Dr. Riek Gai Kok and WHO Representative for South Sudan, Dr Abdi Aden Mohamed addressing a joint press conference in Juba

South Sudan Enhances Preparedness for Ebola and Marburg

MARBURG: UNICEF and WHO support Government’s awareness and surveillance efforts


Uganda commemorates World Hepatitis Day 2014