Namibia receives Ultrasound machines from the Government of Japan

Namibia receives ultrasound machines from the Government of Japan

Learner at a rural school in the Omaheke Region

Strengthening schools to ensure safe continuity of education amidst COVID-19

WHO Polio Consultant, Mr Constant Dedo training a newly recruited officer on environmental sample collection procedures at a sample collection site, Gammams Water Care, Windhoek

Polio Surveillance in Namibia

Nurse Balu Bukar Adamu

Health workers leaving no stone unturned, responding to mental health cases in the Northeast

COVID-19 more deadly in Africans with diabetes

COVID-19 more deadly in Africans with diabetes

COVID-19 more deadly in Africans with diabetes

COVID-19 more deadly in Africans with diabetes

WHO delivers 6.6 tons of emergency medical kits to Sierra Leone following fire disaster

WHO delivers 6.6 tons of emergency medical kits to Sierra Leone following fire disaster

Dr Martins Ovberedjo, WHO Representative giving his Remarks

Consensus Building Workshop on Priority Health Research Agenda 2022-2026 November 04, 2021

Uber Driver Daniel

How a commercial driver is contributing to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana

WHO emergency teams learning and supporting in Malawi

WHO emergency teams learning and supporting in Malawi