Antimicrobial resistance on his own leg turns a Kenyan health worker into an advocate  for wiser use of antibiotics

Antimicrobial resistance on his own leg turns a Kenyan health worker into an advocate for wiser use of antibiotics

Ebola vaccinations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – In the community, by the community

Ebola vaccinations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – In the community, by the community

WHO Representative, Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses with the Executive Director of MOHSS, Mr. Ben. Nangombe

Namibia needs over N$ 500 million to realize its health security plan

Weak vaccine-preventable disease surveillance could cost the  African Region $22.4 billion over the next decade, WHO warns

Weak vaccine-preventable disease surveillance could cost the African Region $22.4 billion over the next decade, WHO warns

   Participants from Botswana, Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and the WHO Representative in Uganda Dr Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam

WHO Trains Health workers from Nine African Countries on Improvement of Congenital Birth Defects Surveillance

Proud father shows off his daughter's immunization cards

Statement from Uganda’s Minister of Health on the National Measles-Rubella and Polio Immunisation Campaign 2019

Eritrea launches the Meningitis A Vaccination and Vitamin A supplementation Campaign November – December 2019

Eritrea launches the Meningitis A Vaccination and Vitamin A supplementation Campaign November – December 2019

Photo: WHO/Eugene Kabambi

Democratic Republic of the Congo accelerates training of emergency medical units for use in epidemics

Oral Polio Immunization, one of the GAVI supported activities in Uganda

Ministry of Health Conducts Joint Appraisal of GAVI support to the Uganda National Expanded Program on Immunization

Diabetes is a family affair in Kenya

Diabetes is a family affair in Kenya