Consensus building meeting on Health Sector Strategic Development Plan III (HSSDP III) 2022 – 2026

Consensus building meeting on Health Sector Strategic Development Plan III (HSSDP III) 2022 – 2026

The MOH in collaboration with WHO and partners has conducted a consensus building meeting on the draft document HSSDP III on 12th July 2021 at Orotta Conference Hall. 

The meeting was officially opened by Dr Berhane Debru, Director General of Policy and Planning at MOH and welcomed the participants to the workshop by describing the program and introducing the agenda. Dr Berhane outlined that the third Health Sector Strategic and Development plan is being designed to provide the overall strategic and implementation framework for the Health Sector priorities for the next five years (2022-2026) and is aimed at contributing towards Sustainable Development Goals and improved health status, wellbeing, productivity and quality of life. He expressed his gratitude to WHO for the technical and logistical support of this crucial activity.

This was followed by a presentation from Dr Hillary Kipruto, WHO-IST, on reflections of progress made and HSSDP II performance. In his presentation, he pointed out that the Health Sector made a remarkable achievement. He brought to the attention of participants that more than 300 indicators were used for monitoring the HSSDPII, with majority having no data. Thus, it was advised to minimize the new HSSDPIII monitoring indicators, to those that are essential and reflect the sector progress. In addition, Dr Hillary Kipruto presented on monitoring and evaluation. 

Dr Humphrey Karamagi, from WHO-AFRO, also presented on the emerging issues and result framework for the HSSDPIII. He emphasized on four points; namely Universal Health Coverage, Health Security, Health Determinants and Health Systems Functionality. 

result framework for the HSSDPIII

In addition, Dr Prosper Tumusiime from WHO-AFRO presented on Strategic Priorities and took the participants in to the seven pillars of the health sector step by step. He pointed out that the MOH will:

  • Aim at producing an appropriate and adequate skill mix of human resources based on the health needs of the population.  
  • Aim is to enhance talent for the health sector and to place the best competences where they are needed for best results.
  • Focus on rolling out and scaling up the Eritrean Essential Health Care Package (EEHCP) to all Eritreans.
  • Focus on reaching the unreached populations with health services.
  • Focus on establishing a quality assurance system to ensure quality of care to the population
  • Establish and scale up e-health care services.
  • Focus on improving the readiness of health facilities to deliver the EEHCP

The presentations were supplemented with plenary sessions, whereby active engagement of participants was observed. The health sector is committed to moving the country towards Universal Health Coverage, Health Security and Determinants of Health for the overall achievement of good health and well-being for all, at all ages.

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For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:
Francis Regis Magombo MD,

Health Systems Adviser
Email: magombof [at] (magombof[at]who[dot]int)
Work Phone: +291 1 114171/114167
Cell phone: +2917723408
GPN Ext: 34405


Mrs Selam Berhane

Information Assistant
WHO Country Office Eritrea
Work Phone: +291 1 114171/114175
Ext: 34419
Email: berhanes [at] (berhanes[at]who[dot]int)