Dr Luis G. Sambo in landmark visit to strengthen WHO cooperation with Ethiopia, the Africa Union Commission and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Dr Luis G. Sambo in landmark visit to strengthen WHO cooperation with Ethiopia, the Africa Union Commission and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis G. Sambo, representing WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, will arrive Addis, on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 with high level delegates including the WHO Assistant Director General – Dr Flavia Bustreo, and Cluster Directors from the WHO Regional Offices for Africa and the Eastern - Mediterranean. 

The 6th Session of the African Union (AU) Conference of Ministers of Health (CAMH 6), will take place from 25 – 26 April 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the theme, “The impact of Non – Communicable diseases (NCDs) and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) on development in Africa”. This conference will be preceded by a meeting of health to be held from 22-24 April 2013. 

Dr Sambo will meet with authorities of Federal Government of Ethiopia to discuss ways of strengthening cooperation between WHO and Ethiopia. 

From 29-30 April 2013, Dr Sambo and his delegation will meet with African Union Commission and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Officials to discuss ways of further strengthening cooperation between the two organizations and WHO. 

On the 29th April 2013, Dr Sambo, together with the Federal Minister of Health, will officially launch the WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2012-2015 ETHIOPIA. Both will meet the media for a Press Conference at the Federal Ministry of Health on the 30 April 2013 to conclude the Regional Director’s visit. 
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The AU Conference of conference Ministers of Health (CAMH 6) will offer unique opportunities for Ministers of Health of African countries to share experiences and learn from each other on on-going programmes and activities on health. It will also provide opportunity to review progress made towards the attainment of the Health MDGs. 


22-26 April 2013, the 6th Session of the African Union (AU) Conference of Ministers of Health (CAMH 6)
29 April 2013, Meeting on official presentation of WHO Strategic Cooperation Strategy (CSS) of 2012-2015 Ethiopia.
29 -30 April 2013, WHO bilateral meetings with AU and UN ECA.

The meeting on the official presentation of the WHO Ethiopia Country Cooperation Strategy will be attended by more than 300 representatives of partners Ministers (Health, Education, Water, Finance and economic development, Labor and social affairs) Ambassadors and head of UN agencies, key development partners (bilateral and multi-lateral), Representatives of the Ministries and Regional Health Bureaus; regional organizations; academic institutions, Civil Society Organizations, WCO staff. 


AUC, UNECA, Hilton Hotel, Federal Ministry of Health. 


In addition to its unique opportunity serving as a platform to address the challenge of NCDs and NTDs in Africa, review progress in implementation of decisions of CAMH5, and consideration of the status of implementation of AU health initiatives, the CAMH 6 will be used to increase awareness on the challenges of NTDs and NCDs in the continent, facilitate decision on strong actions against NTDs and NCDs in Africa; consider progress on the implementation of the recommendations of CAMH5; and articulate the essential elements on a continental strategy to increase resource mobilizing, especially domestic resources and enhance efficiency of health programmes in Africa. 

The official presentation of the WHO country of CCS presentation, which will be the first of its kind to be shared with partners, will provide better insights of what the WHO CO does in Ethiopia, draw greater interest and partnership. 

The bilateral meetings with African Union and UNECA are expected to boost the existing level of cooperation between WHO and the two organizations , on the basis of mutual understanding of regional health challenges and strategic priorities.


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