Ethiopia Observes World Mental Health Day

Ethiopia Observes World Mental Health Day

Addis Ababa, 20 October 2012 -- In a magnificent event organized at the Gefersa Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Ethiopia observed the World Mental Health Day under the theme, “Depression: A Global Crisis” with a series of activities aimed at raising public awareness about mental health, launching the Mental Health Strategy and awarding Her Excellency, Parliamentarian and Patron for Mental Health, W/ro Azeb Mesfin, in recognition of her extra ordinary contribution to improve mental health services in the country.

The event accompanied with a series of other activities such as visits to the New Psychiatric Facility under construction, Media programmes, and Tree Planting activities was the second most important activity following a Seminar that took place on 10th of October 2012, to mark the official date involving participants of the Emanuel Psychiatric Hospital staff, representatives of hospitals and partners.

In attendance of the main event at the Gefersa Rehabilitation Center were H.E. Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Minister of Health, H.E. Dr. Keseteberhan Admassu, State Minister of Health, Dr. Khaled Bessaoud, Acting Representative to WHO Ethiopia, heads of Government and Non Government organizations, representatives of Psychiatric Department of Medical Faculty - Addis Ababa University, Civil Societies, The Media, Health professionals, the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Mesfin Araya, the Gefersa Psychiatric Center Community and its management-the Catholic Missionary, etc. all estimated at more than 250.

Speaking on the occasion, H.E. Dr. Tedros underscored that mental health is one of the leading Non Communicable Disease and because of this, he said, “The Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) is giving due attention to improve mental health services in Ethiopia and the development of the National Health Strategy is such an endeavor witnessing the Government’s commitment to strengthen efforts. Another milestone in the expansion of mental health services is the New Psychiatric Hospital with a capacity of 275 beds being constructed at a cost of ETB 80,000,000.

In addition to providing mental health services, the new hospital will serve as a general hospital and research center.” He mentioned also that efforts are underway to train health professionals with MSc to overcome the shortages of skilled manpower needed to ensure continued delivery of mental health services. On his remarks focusing on the Gefersa Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, he said, the center so big and modern, will serve in providing quality care, training health professionals, and promoting research.

In view of the complexity of tasks the center is expected to support effectively and efficiently, the Minister said that the Catholic Missionary, in view of its rich experience in managing rehabilitation centers, is delegated to run the center.

Dr. Tedros then pointed out the reason behind the revitalization of the Rehabilitation Center to its present form is attributed to H.E. Azeb Mesfin, Member of Parliament, without whose her dedication, support and coordination, the center would not have been built. He thanked W/ro Azeb for her extra ordinary contribution to improve the life of people suffering from mental illnesses. Awards in recognition of this immense contribution were given to W/ro Azeb Mesfin by H.E. the Minister and Dr. Khaled Bessaoud, Acting Representative to WHO Ethiopia.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Khaled described that Depression is a serious and complex mental disorder that can affect anyone. It is one of the leading causes of disability and contributes significantly to the global burden of disease. He emphasized also that Depression can be prevented if emotional and behavioral problems are detected in childhood and adolescence.

Abstaining from psychotropic substances and abuse of alcohol, maintaining proper diet and physical activity all improve well being and are therefore help prevent depression. In his further remarks, he said, in response to the global and regional situations and in recognition of the burden of depressions, WHO developed guidelines and tools to enhance countries in responding to the growing problems. The WHO Ethiopia launched the Mental Health Global Action Programme (mh GAP) to improve health care delivery for people with mental, neurological and substance use disorders.

Commending the mental health work force at all levels in the Health System who in their day to day life, strive to provide care and support for those who are in need of support, he reiterated WHO’s commitment to continue addressing the growing problem of mental health through strengthening the mhGAP program in addition to its technical and financial support. Towards concluding his remarks, he commended W/ro Azeb for her outstanding contribution she made to improve mental health services in the country.

In response to the award she received, W/ro Azeb Mesfin, brought the attention of the audience to the level of stigma, isolation and painful condition psychiatric patients pass through and urged the need to do more to help those who suffer from all sorts of mental health. Underscoring that there cannot be adequate reason to stigmatize people suffering from mental illness, she reminded the public to stop stigmatizing those with mental health problems in lieu of showing love, providing them with care and respect their human rights. She pointed out also that although improvements are being made, a lot has to be done to open more centers. She finally, commended Dr. Mesfin for his long years of dedication, devotion and sacrifice to support people with mental illnesses, since those early days when treating mentally ill patients was dire in times when health facility settings were not conducive both to patients and health professionals.

Three Medical professionals from various organizations were also awarded for their direct contributions to the development of the National Mental Health Strategy. They were Dr. Solomon Zewdu, JHU Tsehay, Dr. Luwei Pearson, Chief, Health Section, UNICEF and Dr. Charolotte Hanlon, a Psychiatrist, at Medical Faculty of Addis Ababa University.

Prior to the official opening remarks, distinguished leaders; Dr. Keseteberhan Admassu, State Minister of Health; Dr. Mesfin Araya; Dr. Tedela Woldegiorgis, Advisor to the Minister of Health and who also acted as the Master of Ceremony, gave historical perspectives of the mental health services in the Ethiopia, spoke on progresses, highlighted the challenges and the way forward, considering partners’ continued commitments, the strong partnership and leadership role being played by H.E. W/ro Azeb Mesfin. The colorful and entertaining event with music and a written statement condemning the culture of stigma by a popular artist was inspirational.

Following the tree planting activity in the premise of the Center, the celebration came to an end.

Ethiopia Observes World Mental Health Day


For more information, please contact:

Wassihun Melaku ; + 251 553 1550 ; E-mail: wassihunm [at] (wassihunm[at]et[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int)

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