AVAREF Newsletter
The AVAREF Newsletter is shared quarterly. The Newsletter features educational information, updates of AVAREF activities, news, and If you would like to stay up to date on AVAREF news, sign up for our quarterly newsletter by clicking here to subscribe.
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Past issues of the AVAREF Newsletter can be viewed below.

AVAREF Newsletter December 2022:
AVAREF Newsletter (newsweaver.com)
In this issue you will find update on a meeting of African Regulators to prepare for registration of the RTS,S, the new malaria vaccine and on regulators experience sharing on Covid-19 vaccines as well as on capacity building webinars. In addition, two National regulatory authorities that have attained WHO GBT maturity level 3 in clinical trial oversight have shared what was encountered. The AVAREF Statutory members of the Technical Coordinating and Steering Committees met to develop and endorse new technical documents and initiatives. Spotlight on partners regarding the evolution and growth of the African Union Smart Safety Surveillance (AU-3S) and Partnership for African Vaccine Manufacturing ambitions for Africa vaccine self-reliance have been featured and more.

AVAREF Newsletter June 2022:
AVAREF Newsletter (newsweaver.com)
In this issue: Extraordinary International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities, AVAREF facilitates Vaccine Access in Africa, Self-paced Online Course on Inspection of Clinical Trials to be available soon, African Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (AACVS): Plan for COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring, Capacity Building.

AVAREF Newsletter September 2021:
AVAREF Newsletter (newsweaver.com)
In this issue: Extraordinary International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities, AVAREF facilitates Vaccine Access in Africa, Self-paced Online Course on Inspection of Clinical Trials to be available soon, African Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (AACVS): Plan for COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring, Capacity Building of Ethics Committees: An AVAREF Collaboration with the MRCT Center.

AVAREF Newsletter December 2020:
AVAREF Newsletter: December 2020
In this December issue, the members of AVAREF Steering Committee and AVAREF Technical Coordinating Committee shared their experience in their interviews. Dr. Beno Nyam Yakubu, National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) in Nigeria mentioned that he witnessed the growth of this forum through its relevant and timely activities and increased memberships.

AVAREF Newsletter September 2020:
AVAREF newsletter (newsweaver.com)
In this issue, the success stories of NRAs in African region are presented. FDA, Ghana achieves WHO Maturity Level 3; AVAREF approves guideline for emergency joint review of clinical trial applications; Kenya’s Pharmacy & Poisons Board shares good practices related to COVID-19 clinical trials; Tanzania’s Medicine & Medical Devices Authority explains how it became the first African medicines regulatory authority to attain WHO Maturity Level 3 status; and more.

AVAREF Newsletter June 2020:
In this issue, the newsletter shared the story about the AVAREF Biennial Assembly which took place between the fourth Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa and the African Medicines Regulators conference, held 30 September to 4 October. On 2 October, all heads of national ethics committees and regulatory authorities on the African continent came together to discuss the agenda and endorse AVAREF 2020 workplans and regulatory tools for country implementation.

AVAREF Newsletter July 2019:
In this issue, stories of recent AVAREF were introduced including the AVAREF Assembly, Steering Committee meeting, and Technical Coordination Committee meetings. Also, the success stories of AVAREF workshop were featured. Representatives of National Regulatory Authorities and Ethics Committees were invited to attend the AVAREF sub-regional workshop to learn and to discuss the implementation strategies of newly adopted guidelines and tools.