Situation reports on COVID-19 outbreak - Sitrep 11, 13 May 2020
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve in the WHO African Region since the first case was reported on 25 February 2020 in Algeria. Since then, all Member States have reported COVID-19, with Lesotho reporting its first case on 13 May 2020. While there are variations among countries, the overall numbers of reported cases and deaths have been increasing exponentially in recent weeks and over a half of the countries in the region are experiencing communitee transmission. There are also increasing incidents of cross-border transmission of COVID-19 between countries in the continent, mainly through long-distance truck drivers and illicit transboundary movement. Notably, in most countries, the disease is still localized to large urban centres with most rural communities relatively unaffected.
Read full situation report on COVID-19 outbreak - Sitrep 11, 13 May 2020
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