WHO Ghana Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) Preparedness and Response Activities, 25 June 2014

WHO Ghana Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) Preparedness and Response Activities, 25 June 2014

WHO was notified of EVD outbreak in Guinea: 13 March 2014, Liberia: 31 March 2014, Sierra Leone: 26 May 2014. Highlights as of 23 June, 2014:

Guinea: Cumulatively, 396 cases of EVD reported including 280 deaths (Case Fatality Rate –CFR-71%) from 9 districts. Most of the cases are from Gueckedou 58% and Conakry 16%. The last confirmed case was on 23/06/2014 in Gueckedou.
Sierra Leone: EVD cases confirmed: 163 with 46 deaths from 4 districts, CFR 28%. Over 87% are from Kailahun District which borders Gueckedou District in Guinea where EVD first broke out.
Liberia: Total cumulative cases 62, including 37 deaths reported from 4 districts. About 66% are from Lofa County which borders Gueckedou and Kailahun.

Development of EVD response plans; enhanced surveillance, active case search and contact tracing; strengthened case management and infection and prevention control; and increased public health awareness;
WHO’s support: deployment of over 150 multi-disciplinary experts to the 3 countries; shipment of medical equipment and supplies including Personal Protective Equipment; financial support through the African Public Health Emergency Fund and other partners.

 SITREP Ebola Viral Disease

No confirmed EVD case reported in Ghana to date. 
1. Planning and Coordination

Fourth meeting of National Technical Coordinating Committee planned for week of 23rd June
GhC 50,000 out of initial government approved GhC 800,000 released to the Ghana Health Service (GHS) used to support multiple activities including public education campaigns
Ebola Preparedness and Response Plan finalized to be used for resource mobilization.
2. Surveillance and Laboratory

Ongoing surveillance for EVD as part of surveillance for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (VHF)
Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR) on high alert to test samples for VHF including EVD.
Over 150 regional surveillance, disease control officers and  port health staff and staff in 10 Regional Health Administrations trained on Ebola surveillance
3. Case Management

Two consignments of 710 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) presented to MOH and Noguchi for prepositioning.
Training for Clinical Management of EVD planned for GHS and teaching hospital staff 
4. Communication and Social Mobilization

Intense public education is ongoing as follows:

Print media
- Advertiser’s’ announcement with information on EVD, mode of spread, signs and symptoms and prevention placed in Daily Graphic and Ghanaian Times
- Radio announcements made on Unique and Joy FM and in Akan language on Peace FM
- Television announcements made on GTV, Joy TV and Adom TV
- Media training on Ebola Viral Disease conducted for 60 media personnel
- Training on EVD conducted for 5 resource persons to be used for TV/Radio discussion programs in local languages
Media Discussions
- Radio: Peace FM, Ghana Broadcasting Radio, Joy FM, Radio Gold, Ok FM, Hot FM, Citi FM
- Television: TV3, GTV Breakfast show, UTV Breakfast show, Viast1 and Metro TV
- Interviews also granted to a host of other stations
Distribution of posters and brochures on EVD ongoing
5. Challenges

Isolation unit yet to be designated to manage cases
Inadequate media engagement and information campaign at regional and community levels respectively
Limited training of health workers in case management and infection prevention and control measures

WHO Country Office, Ghana support and activities

1. Presentation to MOH
a. Total of 710 personal PPE and other logistics including cadaver bags, hand and back pack sprayers for disinfection
b. Two thousand posters and 2000 hand fliers on EVD
c. Guidelines on EVD Clinical management

2. Provision of regular update of epidemiological situation in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia to MOH and stakeholders

3. Education on EVD prevention and control on media platform

4. Upcoming support for training health facility and port health staff in EVD case management