The High Level Meeting on Tobacco Taxation Policy in the African Region kicked off in Kigali

The High Level Meeting on Tobacco Taxation Policy in the African Region kicked off in Kigali

Kigali, 23rd August 2016 : The World Health Organization, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning of Rwanda, organized at Kigali, Rwanda, a two days workshop, from 23rd to 24thAugust 2016, on Tobacco Taxation  in the African Region. The participants are focal points for Tobacco Taxation and Tobacco control in the Ministries of Finance, Ministries of Health and WHO Country Offices from selected countries in the Region, including Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Gabon, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Rwanda.

The objectives of the meeting are to:

(i) Share country level experiences in implementing tobacco taxation;

(ii) Identify the main issues and challenges in effecting tobacco taxation policy change at country level;

(iii) Develop the next steps in effecting tobacco taxation policy change in each country.

The Meeting was officially opened by Head of Taxation Policy at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Mr Emmanuel Nkurunziza, in presence of the Head of Non Communicable Diseases Division, Dr Marie Aime Muhimpundu,  Representative of the Minister of Health, and the WHO Representative for Rwanda, Dr Olushayo Olu. WHO Regional Office for Africa was represented by the Regional Adviser for Tobacco Control, Dr Ahmed Ogwell Ouma.

In his opening speech, the Representative of the Ministry of Finance highlighted that there is no doubt that tax policy is one of the most reliable instrument for tobacco control. “We need to design our policies in such a way that we reduce both demand and supply of tobacco. We are all convinced that raising taxes reduces the use of tobacco. In addition, tobacco taxation has two objectives equally important. On one hand, taxing tobacco generates more revenue for our Governments and on the other hand, taxing tobacco has an impact on the reduction of consumption of tobacco products. However, it is necessary to mention that it is not enough to increase tax rates but a proper design of our tax policies is also necessary. A proper tax policy design should consider the specificities of each and every country”. 

The WHO Representative, in his remarks, highlighted that WHO has been working with governments by supporting the Ministry of Finance to implement provisions of Article 6 of the WHO FCTC on tobacco taxation. In fact, it has been demonstrated that increase in tobacco taxes and prices is the single most effective and cost-effective intervention for reducing tobacco use, particularly among the young and the poor. “I would like to invite each of the participants to own the methods and processes to be presented, so as to - have a clear understanding of effective tobacco tax policy despite the reactions of the tobacco industry and to use this knowledge back home to refine their proposals for tobacco tax increase in next finance acts”, he said. He also thanked the Government of Rwanda for having accepted to host this regional high level meeting.


For more information, please contact: 

Mr. Jean Bosco GASHEREBUKA, HPR, e-mail:  gasherebukab [at] (gasherebukab[at]who[dot]int)

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