WHO and the Ministry of Health Engage Partners to make progress towards Uganda’s Commitments on Climate Change at the COP26

World Health Day - High Level Advocacy Event
WHO Uganda

WHO and the Ministry of Health Engage Partners to make progress towards Uganda’s Commitments on Climate Change at the COP26

The Ministry of Health, and the World Health Organization (WHO) convened a high-level advocacy meeting to rally development partners and other government sectors to support the achievement of the commitments made by the country at the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP26).

Through this meeting, participants discussed how to support the Ministry to conduct a climate change health vulnerability and adaptation assessment, brainstormed on developing a Health National Adaptation as well as ways to build capacity in the health sector to enable the sector access climate change funding, in relation to the commitments made at the COP26 in November 2021.

This was part of series of activities undertaken to commemorate the World Health Day under “Our Planet, Our Health”, which were preceded by a symbolic tree-planting session at the Ministry headquarters and other select health facilities.

Through the “Our planet, our health” campaign, the Ministry of Health and WHO are prioritizing the need  to address the dangers of climate change while also urging the public to take steps to protect the planet, their health and prioritize the well-being of societies.

“As Government of Uganda, we are committed to critically examining the relationship between environment and health by looking at the impacts of climate change on health, with a view of building a resilient health system,” said Hon Hanifah Kawooya, the Health Minister of State in Charge of General Duties.

The WHO Representative to Uganda, Dr Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam, highlighted that climate change remains one of the greatest threats to human health, “today, we join the Ministry to draw the world's attention to the urgent steps that must be taken to keep humans and the planet healthy.”

“WHO estimates that more than 13 million deaths around the world each year occur because of climate change. Concrete and sustained actions taken today will help ensure a safe and healthy planet,” he added.

"There is a clear link between health and climate. The deterioration of the climate affects our health. All actors and states need to live up to their climate commitments and take concrete actions." H.E. Rudi Veestraeten, the Ambassador of the Belgian Embassy in Uganda said.

Uganda, as many other countries, is greatly affected by the impact of climate change. For instance, in 2021, more than 223,000 people were affected by drought, floods, landslides, heavy storms, and fire outbreaks in the country. An estimated 20,000 people were also internally displaced due to the destruction of infrastructure and the risk of waterborne and climate-sensitive diseases. 

Moreover, natural hazards also exacerbate already high levels of food insecurity and malnutrition while deforestation and the use of non-recycled plastic has also been one of the major challenges affecting the Ugandan environment.

The high-level advocacy event, tree planting activity and other health-related activities to commemorate World Health Day 2022 draw attention to these dangers and implore Ugandans to engage in activities to safeguard their environment, which in turn will reverse the effects of climate change, thereby improving their standard of living and safeguarding their health.

"Continued environmental degradation has a direct impact on the population, both human and animal, and what we are seeing in the form of degradation is the result of climate change. We need to get the message about climate change out to the general public so that strong, coordinated action can be taken." Dr. Diana Atwine, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health in Uganda concluded.

World Health Day - High Level Advocacy Event
WHO Uganda
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For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:
Elise Tcheutchoua Yonkeu

Communications Officer
WHO Uganda
Email: tcheutchouae [at] who.int (tcheutchouae[at]who[dot]int)