First-Line Support for Gender-Based Violence Survivors: Success in Mekelle  

First-Line Support for Gender-Based Violence Survivors: Success in Mekelle  

The World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with the Tigray Regional Health Bureau, has made significant strides in providing first-line support (FLS) for gender-based violence (GBV) survivors in the Tigray region. In November and December 2023, 350 health extension workers (HEWs) based in Tigray participated in specialized training designed to equip them with the skills necessary to offer practical care and emotional support to survivors, all while respecting their privacy and dignity.

Two months after the training, follow-up supervision was conducted by WHO's Tigray GBV specialist in one of the zones to assess the impact of the training. A GBV focal person at a one-stop center in hospital in the region shared a remarkable observation: "Following the training, we saw a significant surge in GBV survivors seeking healthcare services. The number nearly doubled." This notable increase in the number of survivors seeking assistance is a testament to the positive impact of the training provided to the health extension workers.

The HEWs played a vital role in facilitating survivors' access to support by sharing service providers' contact information and guiding survivors to the appropriate resources. This personalized and compassionate outreach underscores the tangible effect of the training, fostering greater trust and openness between survivors and healthcare providers.

In areas where trained HEWs offer first-line support, GBV survivors now benefit from clear referral pathways and know whom to approach for help. The proximity of HEWs to the community empowers survivors to seek assistance more confidently, creating a safer and more supportive environment for them.

This success story highlights the effectiveness of the coordinated effort to empower frontline health workers. By investing in their training and support, healthcare providers are now better equipped to assist GBV survivors and play a critical role in combating gender-based violence. This initiative serves as a model for how communities and organizations can work together to create a network of compassionate and well-prepared individuals to support those in need.

WHO is grateful for the financial support received from the German Government (BMZ). Through continued collaboration and capacity building, the WHO and Tigray Regional Health Bureau are making significant progress toward ending gender-based violence and providing survivors with the support they need to heal and thrive. This impactful work paves the way for a brighter, safer future for the people of Tigray.

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For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:
Alemtsehay Zergaw Gebremichael

Communications Officer
WHO Ethiopia
Email: gebremichaela [at] (gebremichaela[at]who[dot]int)