Ministry of Health and Sanitation Conducts Second Quarter 2011 Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response Review Meeting
Ministry of Health and Sanitation held its second quarter 2011 Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) review meeting on 21-22 July 2011. The objectives were to discuss surveillance performance at national and district levels and to prepare plan for the next quarter. Participants of meeting included Directors, Programme Managers, and District Medical Officers, National and District Surveillance Officers. WHO provided financial and technical support for the meeting.
District Surveillance Officers (DSO) presented reports on progress, challenges and way forward on performance of disease surveillance situation in their respective districts. This was followed by discussions and exchange of views and ideas to improve implementation of IDSR in the districts. The second day was used to update Surveillance Officers on disease surveillance including appropriate meth-ods of specimen collection, storage and transportation; outbreak investigation and current information on disease surveillance.