Integrated Disease Surveillance Quarterly Bulletin 1st Semester 2016
Countries in the WHO African Region continue to be affected by recurring outbreaks, natural disasters, conflicts, environmental, chemical and food-related emergencies. These acute public health events significantly impact on the health and economic development in the Region. Integrated Disease Surveillance of priority diseases, conditions and events is one of the key aspects of disease control in the WHO African Region that leads to early detection, ppropriate investigation, laboratory confirmation and timely response to acute public health events.
This bulletin focuses on the status of IDSR implementation and reporting with a highlight on malaria and Influenza Like Illnesses (ILI). The revitalization of IDSR in Sierra Leone uncovers effort made by this country to rebuild its health system after Ebola outbreak. This issue also highlights the critical role of some initiatives in enhancing IDSR in the region. For most sections of the bulletin, a brief introduction of the topic is provided, followed by method, key findings, major issues and challenges if any and proposed interventions aimed at improving IDSR.