
Informação do País

    Data & Statistics

    Total population (2024) 45,935,046
    Population growth rate (2024) 2.9%
    GDP per capita (2024) $1,146
    Life expectancy at birth m/f (years, 2022) 65/69
    Maternal Mortality Ratio (2022) 189/100,000 live births
    Under-five mortality rate (2022) 52/1,000 live births
    Infant Mortality rate (2022) 22/1,000 live births
    Total Fertility Rate (2022) 5.2
    Total expenditure on health per capita (Intl $, 2022) 57
    Total expenditure on health as % of GDP (2022) 5.9

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    Country Health Topics

    The Uganda country health profiles provide an overview of the situation and trends of priority health problems and the health systems profile, including a description of institutional frameworks, trends in the national response, key issues and challenges. They promote evidence-based health policymaking through a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of the dynamics of the health situation and health system in the country.

    Currently, Health Topics data is not available.

    Additional Info

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