
Issue #26 - 17 February 3 March 2017

Nigerian Crisis WHO Situation Report | Issue #26 - 17 February 3 March 2017

  • Borno State confirmed an outbreak of Lassa fever in Zabarmari, Jere LGA. It was the first case in nearly five decades. The case was isolated from a 32-year old woman admitted at Umaru Shehu hospital, Maiduguri.
  • WHO supported the Ministry of Health to contain the spread of the outbreak by tracing and monitoring 59 contacts. WHO also trained health workers and provided personal protection equipment including gloves, boots, goggles and masks, decontamination products, infrared thermometers as well as laboratory supplies.
  • The health sector partners under the leadership of the World Health Organization, ratified its 2017 humanitarian response strategy.
  • A draft cholera preparedness plan was developed in collaboration with SMoH and other Health Sector partners with a view to identifying high risk areas and IDPs camps, establishing Cholera Treatment Centres (CTC), building capacities and empower communities for response.
  • A Sub-national Immunisation Plus Days (SIPDs) targeting 1.9m children (0-59months) in 24 out of 27 LGAs was implemented between February 25 ¡V 28, 2017.