
Issue #22, 21-27 January 2017

Nigerian Crisis WHO Situation Report | Issue #22, 21-27 January 2017

  • The measles vaccination campaign, conducted in partnership with Nigerian government, WHO and several non-governmental organizations, also included vitamin A supplement for all children under five to boost their immunity and as well deworming tablets. Under the mass measles vaccination campaign across Borno state, 2,608,090 children have been
  • vaccinated out of target of total 3,113,620 children of age group 6 months to 10 years in 25 LGAs with 84% coverage.
  • WHO in partnership with the National Centre for Disease Control and the State Ministry of Health have developed and delivered four sessions of trainings on diseases surveillance and outbreak investigation on 19,20,24 and 25 January. A total of 187 clinicians, laboratory technicians and data managers from 46 health facilities from Jere and MMC were trained on
  • diagnosis and reporting of cholera, meningitis, viral haemorrhagic fever, poliomyelitis and measles.
  • In support to Borno State Ministry of Health as a preparedness plan, WHO has prepositioned 19 Inter-Agency Diarrheal Disease Kits for further delivery to the high risk LGAs in the state. The IDDKs are enough for treatment of 2,000 moderate to severe diarrhoea/cholera cases.
  • WHO commenced OBR across Yobe state targeting over 1million children under 5 years with polio vaccine. They also conducted training on advances in malaria diagnosis and treatment for health workers.