AIRA Reports

Publication cover

AIRA Infodemic Trends Report - September 5 (Weekly Brief #37 of 2022)

Key Monkeypox Misinformation Trends
● “New” strain of monkeypox has been identified

Key COVID-19 Misinformation Trends
● Ivermectin has been proven effective against COVID-19

Publication cover

AIRA Infodemic Trends Report - August 29 (Weekly Brief #36 of 2022)

Key Monkeypox Misinformation Trends
● Monkeypox outbreak is misdiagnosed tomato flu

Key COVID-19 Misinformation Trends
● Medical professionals call for the end of vax mandates

Publication cover

AIRA Infodemic Trends Report - August 22 (Weekly Brief #35 of 2022)

Key Monkeypox Misinformation Trends
● Monkeypox is not a threat because it is not lethal

● Clade IIb only infects men

Key COVID-19 Misinformation Trends

● COVID-19 vaccines harm pregnant women/infants

Publication cover

AIRA Infodemic Trends Report - August 8 (Weekly Brief #33 of 2022)

Key Monkeypox Misinformation Trends
● Tecovirimat is being hoarded in the U.S
● Monkeypox Vaccine Components are Dangerous
Publication cover

AIRA Infodemic Trends Report - August 1 (Weekly Brief #32 of 2022)

Key Disease Misinformation Trends
● Monkeypox is a COVID-19 Vax Reaction
● Marburg can be Treated with Hydroxychloroquine

Key COVID-19 Misinformation Trends
● New COVID-Flu Combo Vaccines

Publication cover

AIRA Infodemic Trends Report - July 25 (Weekly Brief #31 of 2022)

Key Monkeypox Misinformation Trends
● PHEIC is a WHO Political Strategy
● Chickenpox exposure/vax is effective against monkeypox

Key COVID-19 Misinformation Trends
● COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Long-COVID

Publication cover

AIRA Infodemic Trends Report - July 18 (Weekly Brief #30 of 2022)

Key COVID-19 Misinformation Trends
● Refuse a flu shot if you are vaccinated for COVID-19
● New COVID-19 Variants are Safe

Key Disease Misinformation Trends
● There is no proof of monkeypox cases in Africa

Publication cover

AIRA Infodemic Trends Report - July 12 (Weekly Brief #29 of 2022)

Key COVID-19 Misinformation Trends
● COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Infertility
● Vaccinated are More Contagious than Un-Vaccinated

Key Disease Misinformation Trends
● Marburg Virus in Ghana is a Scam

Publication cover

AIRA Infodemic Trends Report - July 4 (Weekly Brief #28 of 2022)

Key COVID-19 Misinformation Trends
● COVID Resurgence is a Fear-Mongering Tactic
● Using Ivermectin with COVID-19 vax helps side effects

Key Disease Misinformation Trends
● Monkeypox is Mutating in Vaccinated Individuals