Ethiopia News

Ethiopia Scores Highest for Ebola Preparedness

WHO and partners conduct Ebola assessments in 14 high risk countries in Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) and partners conducted Ebola Virus Disease preparedness assessments in 14 countries in the African region in 2014. The assessment team visited Ethiopia 2-8 December 2014 to explore what systems were in place and what areas of preparedness could be strengthened.

IGAD Countries Sign Call for Action for Regional Medicine Regulation, Harmonization

The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) member states have signed a call for action to establish a regional medicine regulation collaboration and harmonization mechanism to fight illicit medicine circulation and improve availability of safe, effective and quality-assured medicines. Substandard/spurious/falsely labelled/falsified/counterfeit (SSFFC) medical products cost the lives of many people in the region.

Landmark Launching of a 10-Year Strategy and Plan of Action to Transform Local Pharm...

Implementation will Improve Access to Medicines 

The week of the third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) was an opportune time to launch the ambitious 10-year National Strategy and Plan of Action to Develop Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Capacity in order to increase access to locally manufactured, quality-assured, medicines. The FfD brought together high level persona from key health and development partners, most of whom attended and spoke at the launching event.   

Japan announces support to WFP, WHO and UNHCR to assist South Sudanese refugees and ...

ADDIS ABABA - The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) today thanked the government of Japan for its generous and timely donation of US$11.8 million to assist South Sudanese refugees and the host community in Gambella regional state in western Ethiopia.

The three UN agencies acknowledged the Japanese Ambassador in Ethiopia, His Excellency Mr. Kazuhiro Suzuki, for the crucial contribution to deliver life-saving assistance and services to refugees and the host community.

High Level Commitment to Sustain Achievements Made in Polio Interruption

In a bid to confirm global and national commitment to the eradication of polio from Ethiopia and the Continent, a high level polio vaccination event was held at Selam Health Centre in Addis Ababa. Minister of Health Dr Kesetebirhan Admasu, World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Dr Margaret Chan, The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) Chief Executive Officer Dr Seth Berkley and UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ms Yoka Brandt participated in the event, symbolically administering polio drops to children.

WHO Ethiopia in Humanitarian Action

WHO Country office Ethiopia is playing an essential role in supporting the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies with public health consequences. To deliver on its core commitments and performance standards, the country office fulfils four critical functions in emergency response: leadership, information, and technical expertise and core services.

UN H4+ Contributing to Ethiopia’s Strides to Improve Maternal and Child Health

Addis Ababa. 26 August 2015 – The exceptional leadership of the Ethiopian Government in the efforts to improve maternal and new-born health was commended by the UN H4+ Global Team mission that visited Ethiopia from 17-21 August 2015. The team assessed progresses made on maternal and new-born health as a result of interventions supported in the past two years by UN H4+ agencies – UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNWOMEN and WHO – with the government of Ethiopia. The interventions were supported through funding from the Swedish Government through Sida. 

13th African Traditional Medicine Day commemorated in Ethiopia

The 13th Africa Traditional Medicine Day was commemorated under the theme “Regulation of Traditional Health Practitioners in African Region” in August 31, 2015 in a workshop organized by WHO and the Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority. On this occasion, Ms Heran Gerba, Deputy Director General of Food Medicine and Healthcare Administration and Control Authority (FMHACA) while delivering an opening remark highlighted the valuable contribution of the traditional medicine in Ethiopia where 80% of the people use the traditional medicine.