South Sudan News

South Sudan, Uganda, and Kenya strengthen implementation of cross-border disease sur...

Juba 27 April, 2018: The Republic of South Sudan hosted a joint cross-border multi-sectoral disease surveillance meeting in Nimule, South Sudan from 24-26 April, 2018. Experts drawn from human, animal, environmental health and immigration sectors of South Sudan, Uganda, and Kenya deliberated on mechanisms to strengthen implementation of cross boarder disease surveillance and outbreak response in the region.  

WHO supports South Sudan to strengthen health promotion strategic actions

In order to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of South Sudan, the World Health Organization country office for South Sudan and Regional Office for Africa are supporting the Ministry of Health and partners to strengthen comprehensive health promotion implementation. This recognises the need for health literacy, community engagement, social mobilization and multisectoral coordination. 

WHO establishes emergency water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in health fa...

Juba, 15 March 2018 – Access to adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in health care facilities (HCFs) is essential for the provision of quality care.

In South Sudan, WASH in HCFs is one of the neglected areas within the health systems. Thus, establishing WASH in HCFs is crucial to prevent the risks of health care acquired infection among health care facility staff, patients, caregivers and the wider community.